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Creating online catalog: carrots and sticks

Internet catalogs - one of the most common types of Internet marketing. With Internet catalog, you can easily implement the project on-line store, library, message boards, or exchange of articles. Using the Internet catalog in Israel often prefer to owners of small and medium-sized businesses that are just beginning to learn the Internet. To date by vBulletin uses several types of catalogs, each of which pursues a particular goal:
  • Locked catalogs. Distinguished by the fact that adding sites to the catalog can exercise only the owner;
  • White catalogs. In these catalogs you can freely add sites - they do not need to replace the back links to the catalog;
  • Grey catalogs. When registering, the site you want to add a link to a catalog on the pages of my life, but the presence of such links is not verified after the fact;
  • Black catalogs. When adding a site to the catalog - reciprocal links it necessarily;
  • Catalogs with direct links. After registration, the user receives a response link to your site (no redirection);
  • Catalog of sites with links. Registration for this catalog does not provide a link to the recorded site. Links are given through a redirect.

With Internet directory visitor not a purchase, and that the main difference from the catalog of online shops - they have a chance to see pictures of the goods, prices, description of the lot, but you can not buy it. Create online catalogs in Israel is very handy when you have multiple lines of business. In the same catalog you can sell your goods and services from multiple sites at once. Additionally, through the Internet site can be options for the sale and advertising.

Company «Skatrix» has extensive experience in creating directories and encourages them to optimize management processes and construction of optimal Internet sales.

The advantages of online catalogs:

Short period of time creating online catalogs. This will allow you in the shortest time to market and provide a full range of its products. This is especially true for seasonal sales and events. The minimum budget for the development of the Internet directory. This is a distinct advantage catalogs - they have all the functions for sales, but for the reason that the possibility of buying remains unsold.

A simple control scheme catalog. In order to fill the catalog does not require special knowledge and skills. The modern system of management of the company «Skatrix» will allow you to fill an online directory in minutes.

Optimization of the Internet catalog. Specialists of the company «Skatrix» pay much attention to marketing strategy projects - Internet catalogs are initially created with all the rules of search engine optimization.

Create a catalog in the company «Skatrix» will allow you with minimal waste of time, to manage their business and make profits. We are like no one is better know your needs and create websites that work for such as you - the owners of the business. Internet catalogs have already found their niche in the global network and today it is one of the most effective mechanisms for the organization of business on the Internet.